Wednesday, May 6, 2015

URGENT!!! Issuing a Search for Krusher5678

Have you seen a player named Krusher5678? We have known each other for a long time, but got separated after Skull Crusher shut down, and I want to find him.

His skin looks like this:

He was last seen on Pwing Dungeons (according to a Ukrainian website called Minecraft Statistics) May 2, 2015 at 3:13 (presumably EST)
On his Roblox profile (aresum), he told others to go to the ip
I have found that I cannot connect to the ip above.
He was supposedly at TPPI at some point, but I couldn't connect to the IP (
A link to the Ukrainian Website Translated into English:
I know his UUID, but I don't know what to do with it.
If you see him, say "Endergirl23 says Hi" and tell him that I'm usually on Creative Fun, PunchCraft, will occasionally join HavenCraft (even though I'm treated badly there), and that I still remember and love him.
Comment any relevant information below.